Daily Sagittarius Horoscope June 29 (29/06)


Now 22 − Dec 21

Alias: Alias: The Archer

June 29


daily sagittarius horoscope:

summary sagittarius daily

Star 8/10

The road ahead where a particular aspiration close to your heart is concerned is a clear one. However, its by being focused so intently on trying to find every potential pitfall or flaw in your strategy that youre putting a ball and chain around your ankle to slow you down. This includes unnecessary and unhelpful self-criticism. You have a green light appearing where are youve been waiting for one. Unnecessary deliberation and self-analysis are only holding up the traffic.


summary sagittarius tomorrow

Star 9/10

You might believe you had every base covered as far as achieving a certain goal is concerned, but dont be too quick to dismiss a development that appears suddenly as an unhelpful or unwelcome distraction. It could offer precisely what you need to take strides where youre taking steps currently. Whatever appears out of the blue needs your attention, not pushed to one side.


summary sagittarius weekly

Star 8/10

How many times can a piece of paper be folded? Answers seem to vary from between 7 and 12 times. Apart from trying it ourselves to see what the answer is, the question is a largely pointless and irrelevant one. The same can be said about an issue youre especially keen to dissect and analyze. This week, there are limits to how much you stand to gain by focusing intense levels of attention on something that has already provided you with an answer.


summary sagittarius monthly

Star 10/10

A certain issue you might have struggled to make sense of recently could be brought into the open, warts and all, around the Full Moon in your sign on the 9th. This could be connected with your home or family and as difficult as it might be to accept a certain truth, youll know doing so is the key to freedom you want and need. Just as finances become a bone of contention, a development at work arrives, bringing relief and boosting your optimism and confidence levels.


health sagittarius daily

Star 9/10

You may finally have that revelation that has been eluding you! Your intentions and actions come together with the vocalization of your ideas. If your desire to help others is strong but you need help expressing that, consult someone you respect. Through the articulation of your thoughts, you will bring them closer to a reality that can be shared with others. It often helps to take a long walk in order to get your courage up.


health sagittarius tomorrow

Star 8/10

The disappointment you feel from conflict is connected with your desire to see people get along. How strong is that desire? Will it take you out of yourself and make your moods vacillate based on how things are going \"over there\"? To counteract this negative tendency, make the following foods a regular part of your diet: fresh papaya and an herb tea called \"purple loosestrife.\" This, along with regular exercise, will reduce the destructive impulse to help others before you help yourself.


health sagittarius weekly

Star 10/10

Think about getting involved in competitive sports. You\ll enjoy the social life that goes with them while exercising and having fun. If you love golf, basketball, or soccer, look for a group. You might find it particularly rewarding to coach, if you have that skill. You need plenty of physical exercise, and that would be one way to get it.


health sagittarius monthly

Star 8/10

Venus moves into your wellness sector on June 6, so you might need to work harder to keep your wellness routines on track. Overindulgence could be an issue, and you could be drawn to and unable to resist sweet or fatty foods. Similarly, it might be harder to get out of the house and to the gym or out for a jog. You might have to fight this tendency if you\re going to continue to make progress. However, others could spur you on. You may find there is less temptation to give in or give up if you join forces with friends.


love sagittarius daily

Star 7/10

Either you or your partner (current or prospective), or perhaps both of you, will not feel like towing the line, especially with today\s aspect at play. This could make it difficult for you to cooperate with each other over virtually any matter at all, as you may both enjoy being contrary just for the sake of it. It may be best if you agree to differ - just for the moment.


love sagittarius tomorrow

Star 8/10

The current planetary energies could give your current relationship a new lease of life, but only if you are prepared to work together to make this happen. Feelings are especially intense right now, and you could succeed in making matters worse rather than better if you don\t choose your words carefully. If you really want a healing to take place, then keep this uppermost in your mind.


love sagittarius weekly

Star 10/10

Your perfect match at the start of the week is someone you can laugh and joke around with. The more serious someone is, the less you want to be around the person. It\s hard to talk about relationship issues with someone who only wants to argue over the weekend, so try to avoid touchy or taboo topics on a first date. Politics and religion are both conversations for at least the third date (or later).


love sagittarius monthly

Star 9/10

Mercury enters talkative Gemini on June 6, boosting communication. Conversations with strangers could lead to romance and so much more. Neptune retrograde begins on June 16, and so does an era of wishful thinking. No matter how much you wish for things, reality hits you like a cold glass of water in the face. Now that the fog has lifted, what are you going to do to improve your romantic circumstances? Someone could try to talk you into something during the Mercury/Pluto opposition on June 26, so try not let yourself be manipulated. The truth is easily hidden.


career sagittarius daily

Star 8/10

Your good nature and honest approach will win you big points in the workplace today. Be sure to be extra courteous to others. A positive attitude - more than knowledge or skills - will be what gives you the leg-up you are hoping for in your career.


career sagittarius tomorrow

Star 9/10

You will be floating around your workplace as if you are on cloud nine. Be sure to share this love and radiance with others instead of keeping it all to yourself. Remember that joy shared is joy doubled. Your co-workers will love you for it.


career sagittarius weekly

Star 7/10

You may be juggling multiple commitments early this month. Your ability to explain complicated matters in a clear, understandable way will win points. This time is lucky for any sort of start. Social contacts made now can help your career prospects. If you\ve wanted to start out on your own, this is an excellent time to research a business plan or potential startup funding. It\s a good time to apply for something new or better. Be sure you have all the facts before making any presentation or arguing a particular position.


career sagittarius monthly

Star 10/10

The spotlight will be firmly trained on you throughout the first half of June. It\s important for you to adopt a strong leadership position. Whether this means cutting your workforce, dismissing an incompetent staff member, or closing certain divisions is immaterial. The important thing is to do what is best for the long-term interests of the business. If you\re offered an early buyout package, take it. Such a deal will help you make the best of a difficult situation. Toward the end of the month you\ll be able to land a job that pays on a commission basis. This could be highly lucrative.



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